Not so optimised academic writing workflow...

Writing Workflow

Recently I have to submit a piece of written work for university and found that there are few improvements that I can made to my current writing workflow (inspired by different peoples out there). Basically I was required to write a research proposal by synthesising many papers and information.

Initially, I thought my current setup is good - but after this week, I don’t think it is optimised.

Disclaimer: This is a record of my personal experience and what I considered as optimised workflow for me. This may not suit everyone and please don’t get offended if I criticise some of your favourite tools below.

My current not-so-optimised setup mostly involved the following two core tools:


I used both of the tools above to write my proposal - thinking that it is good enough - but there are still a few things that I would like to improve.

One of the things that annoyed me is the default Scrivener APA template does not allow you to use Markdown syntax - that means no maths formula - So I have to go back and forth between Words to draw the formula, and copy back to Scrivener. Basically without Markdown, it kind of limit the flexibility.

New Workflow

So after I submitted the proposal, I stuck my head into looking at a partial setup that I left off a few months ago - using Pandoc, Markdown and other tools - and try to build a workflow that can support Markdown, and using Pandoc and few tools - so that I can still write in Scrivener but with Markdown support, then using scripts and pandoc to convert to Markdown - before creating to docx in APA format.


The new setup is not perfect, and it involves more tools that I expected - could be an issue down the track - but so far, it suits my need. These are the tools:


So the basic workflow is like this:

I think this workflow will provide me the flexibility to include partial markdown and partial text, also it includes auto generating references to figures, tables as well - which is a big plus.

After thoughts

So far, I am quite happy with this setup. Although I am yet to find how to customise the “Running head…” header in DOCX.

This worklow relies on quite a number of tools and scripts. If any of this breakdown, I will have to spend time to investigate - which could be anti-productivity. But if it works most of the time, I think it will be a time saver for me.

My next step could investigate how to make the workflow between draft and review feedback much more seamless - at the moment, I will have to upload DOCX to Google Doc for my supervisors, receive feedback, then retrospectively change my original manuscript and re-generate another version. It would be nice if the collaboration can be more seamless.

Until next time :)